
Friday, April 12, 2013

Canadian Core Values

Canadas history has been forged by the core value held by Canadians. These values devote changed throughout the past, due to certain events that have caused people to change their beliefs. Today, these values are much distinct from what they were half a century ago. Some of the common values held by Canadians today are peace, equality and freedom. Canadians have intimate from their past and have changed their beliefs and values for the better.

Canada is regarded as one of the or so peaceful countries in the world. It has taken part in about every peace mission put forth by the UN. This is not how it always was. For such a peaceful country, Canada has a very violent history. Canada had a significant role in both domain War I and II and galore(postnominal) other wars since its creation. It seams that Canadas involvement in wars has taught it to dislike them. Canadians have baffle to realize that wars have harmed Canada much more than they have helped it. World War I, it seems, was not a choice for Canada. Its close ties to Britain labored it into the war. After WWI, Canada began to distinguish itself from England by signing The Treaty of Versailles and because later refusing to join England in a conflict in Turkey. Canada independently chose to join WWII.

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Although Canada collaborated with the United States of America in the cold-blooded war by joining NORAD and setting up radar systems in the north, this was done for Canadas own security. By refusing to join the US in the Vietnam War and recently the war in Iraq, Canada again showed its dislike for. It seems that, for Canadians, peace has been a result of war.

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