
Friday, April 12, 2013

Alienation in "Paul's Case" By Willa Cather

Alienation, as defined by the Websters Dictionary, is the act of estrangement or withdrawing affections - www.dictionary.com. There atomic number 18 many factors that lead to the alienation of gentlemans gentleman and alienation can take many forms, within a family or within partnership. When a person is considered different, they are pushed turn up of society and because of this become withdrawn and til nowtually find themselves even more affected. In the short story, capital of Minnesotas Case by Willa Cather, the important character Paul struggles with societies limited view of normal. Paul is devolve by society; he does not locomote in as an individual and therefore becomes a different person. hostel causes people to create a fantasy world or a lie that they can escape to in consecrate to find happiness when they feel they are not take awayed by those around them.

People try to fit in so that they are accepted by others. When a person cannot fit in they adapt so that those around them will accept them. Many people make up things about themselves, or make up a separate lifestyle, when they do this they are changing who they are and are therefore making it harder for society to accept them for who they truly are.

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By trying to be psyche they are not, they make it difficult for others to see them as an individual and instead see them as a follower. People variety show themselves and all that they stand for so that others will change others their views of them, by changing their morals no longer fit with this persons image. In the beginning of the story the reader is introduced to Paul as an abnormal adolescent; his teachers, pupils and even his family view Paul as psyche who clearly does not fit into the American Dream. Paul possesses the insight...

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