
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Historically, What Was The Role Of Jesus And Paul In The Formation Of Early Christianity? What Was The Relationship Between The Early Christian Community And Judaism?

Early ChristianityThe founding of Christianity stems from the teachings and life of Jesus of Nazareth during his lifetime . galore(postnominal) a(prenominal) of the former(a) followers of Christianity were called Jewish Christians and as they learned or so the message of Christianity and shifted their beliefs from pure Judaism (Crossan , 1998 , 13 . Jesus was a Jew and the Christian trustingness began as a way of practicing Judaism (Chadwick , 1981 , 10 . The missionaries who report Jesus message during the first century after his resurrection founded Christianity itself . cultism Paul was a Hellenistic Jew who was considered the most important Christian missionary during this period and he taught justification by trustingness (Hill , 24The message of Christianity is rooted in the teachings of Jesus as he spread the word of God , which began approximately thirty age after his birth .
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His followers were Jewish mickle who believed in Him because of his work , miracles and lessons (Bowden , 1995 , 66 . The entire Christian religion is rig by Jesus words in Nazareth , revealed in seat 3 :16 For God so loved the sketch that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall non buy the farm but have eternal life tin can the Baptist baptized many people who believed in a Messiah and he preached that a more than powerful man testament come and He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire (Mat . 3 :11 . Jesus went to him and requested to be baptized and! though John the Baptist believed that Jesus should be...If you want to get a luxuriant essay, line of battle it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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