
Friday, April 12, 2013

World War II

On the early morning of December 7th 1941, hundreds of lacquerese bombers admiration attacked Pearl Harbor, a U.S. naval base in Hawaii. around 2,000 U.S. soldiers were killed that day in the attack. What was the U.S. supposed to do other than punish? The surprise attack finally brought a reluctant U.S. into the war. by and by 4 years of excruciating war, it had to end.

The man who saw the U.S. with most of the war was President Franklin D. Rosevelt, who died on April 12, 1945 from heart complications. delinquency President Harry S. Truman succeeded Rosevelt to become President. President Truman was handed the enormous responsibility of having to decide whether or not to hold the sore atomic bombĂ‚ The U.S. had been developing a new shell of bomb, the atom bomb.

The newly created atomic bomb had the power equivalency of 20,000 stacks of TNT. With only 20 days between testing and spoken language of the weapon on Hiroshima early in august 1945, no one really knew the power of the bomb. The 2nd bomb was dropped on Nagasaki only 3 days later in which Japan unconditionally surrendered. President Truman ended the war with his decision to white plague the atomic bomb between the U.S. and Japan. Today the question is unruffled asked; was President Harry S.

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Truman politically, morally and economically justified in his decision to employ the use of atomic weapons in human War II President Truman was justified to use the use of atomic weapons in World War II. He deliver both American and Japanese lives. It is estimated that if the bombs had not been dropped, that the whole Japanese population would have been wiped out by conventional battery within one year. Meaning that if the war had gone on for one year longer, the Japan population would...

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