
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Protein Intake for a Tennis Player Athlete

The individual taken in consideration during this course is a 17 year old lawn tennis playing perioder, astir(predicate) 5?10?? or 1.80 Cm. weighting 170 pounds or approximately 77 Kg.

Tennis requires broad endurance capacity, with an ability to perpetrate short bursts of high-intensity exercise combined with stages of lighter intensity or in any case rest. It is common for tennis matches to last one to 4 hours and played in very hot and humid conditions (1). recent tennis players afford become situation athletes and have developed structures where muscles and power in general atomic number 18 indispensable to have up with the pace of the contemporary game. Unlike sprinters who must have a studyity of caseful 2 muscle fibers, or endurance athletes who must have a majority of type 1 muscle fibers, tennis players have been shown to be change mingled with being either predominantly fast or predominantly slow fiber-type athletes (2). The body fatten up percentages of most tennis players are considered low when compared with the general population. It is recommended that tennis players would have a body-fat percentages of <12% for males and <23% females. Tennis players, due to the start-stop discontinuous nature and inconsistent aloofness of play, have a complex nutrition physiology. According to the literature, it is my intelligence that recommendation about protein intake for athletes varies according to the sources but in any case according to the researcher?s opinion (3). I bring this topic to be controversial and somewhat confusing. Muscle create from raw stuff is about 15 to 20 percent protein, in send to brinytain the power and the strengths, modern tennis players need to honorarium attention to protein intake. Protein intake for athletes would vary according to the type of exercise, length of the exercise session and outside weather conditions. Protein intake should be calculated and taken very seriously because the amount not utilized by the body, is stored as shekels or fat. My insouciant recommendation for my athlete, according to his age, gender, and type of prep, would be of about 1.2-g/kg, in the midst of 90 and 95 grams of protein (5, 6).

If my athlete were a vegan, I would pretty modify my recommendations, taken in consideration other variables. A vegetarian diet is a plant-based diet that consists of fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes. According to the literature, it seems that there are many different vegetarian diets. The ?vegan? diet is one of the two main types. The true vegan avoids all animal products and often shoes a deficiency of vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium and zinc (8). The ADA opinion on vegetarian athletes (all types of vegetarian including vegans) is that they are able to obtain all the proper nutrients and proteins from plant-based sustenances (8, 10). When study the different opinions and different suggestions of the various national associations, it seems that there is not a unified vision on this subject (10).Because superfluous research is needed in put up to verify if therefore vegans lack nutrients, my position and my suggestion for the tennis player would not be modified if the above-mentioned player were a vegan. The but advice I would add would be to take additional supplements and vitamins and to also consume an assortment of grains, vegetables, legumes, and seeds during the solar day, so that if one food has a deficiency in a particular element, another food will return up this deficit (9).

2b. If my athlete were on such(prenominal) low caloric diet, I would make major changes in the way he would train. This caloric deficit would make the athlete loose 1-2 pound per week. Due to this, it would be necessary to increase the amount of protein intake to approximately 2.0 g/kg/day. This would help with the proper intake of amino acids. In disposition for the tennis player to maintain a good brawn level, the CHO intake should also be modified and increased to among 9-12 g/kg/day. A question that should be answered would be the reason as to why the athlete would be in a 500-1000 calorie per day diet. If this would be due to natural training, then some changes would be made in that direction. I would like to add that if the athlete would be on such a low calorie diet for a elongate amount to time, I would seriously consider changing the era of the training, intensity, and even the frequency (11).

A popular assumption about high-protein diets concerns the excess carbohydrate intake that supposedly would produce sumptuous insulin levels, which in turn promote storage of body fat (4). Power athletes tend to consume high protein diets. A power athlete consuming 3 g/Kg of protein per day in a eucaloric state causes a buildup of ototoxic ketones. These types of diets are known as ?ketogenic diets? and can fill to kidneys problems. This is due to the fact that kidneys would need to work in excess in order to flush out the ketones from the body.

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The kidneys while trying to expel these toxic ketones, would also eject a significant amount of water, which could lead to dehydration (7). With such a eucaloric diet, carbohydrates would also be touch in terms of quantity. By adding more CHO intake to the occasional diet, the power athlete would increase performance and would also attend to the muscles with glycogen storage (11, 12).

References:1. Davey PR, Thorpe RD, Williams C. Simulated tennis match play in a controlled environment. J Sports Sci 2003; 21: 459-672. Mero A, Jaakkola L, Komi PV. Relationship between muscle fibre characteristics and physical performance capacity in comparison of trained athletic boys. J Sports Sci 1991; 9 (2): 161-713. Davey PR, Thorpe RD, Williams C. fall apart decreases skilled tennis performance. J Sports Sci 2002; 20: 311-84. Borsheim, E., M.G. Cree, K.D. Tipton, T.A. Elliott, A. Aarsland, and R.R. Wolfe. Effect of carbohydrate intake on net muscle protein synthesis during recuperation from resistance exercise. J. Appl. Physiol. 96:674-678, 2004.

5. McCarthy-Davey PR. Fatigue, carbohydrate supplementation and skilled tennis performance. In: Haake S, Coe AO, editors. Tennis science and technology. Oxford: Blackwell, 2000: 333-406. American Dietetic tie-in. render Tennis Players (handout). 2006.

7. Burke L. Nutrition for recovery after training and competition. In: Burke L, Dean V, eds. Clinical sports nutrition. McGraw-Hill Companies, Australia, 2006; 415-453.

8. Messina V, Mangels R, Messina M. The Dietitians Guide to Vegetarian Diets, second ed. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2004.

9. Cox G. Special needs: the vegetarian athlete. In: Burke L, Deakin V, editors. Clinical sports nutrition. Sydney (NSW): McGraw-Hill, 2000: 656-7110. Position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians Canada. Vegetarian diets. J Am Diet Assoc 2003; 103 (6): 748-6511. Wilson J, Wilson G. Contemporary Issues in Protein Requirements and manipulation for Resistance Trained Athletes. Journal of supranational Society of Sports Nutrition. 2006.

12. Phillips, Stuart M.; Moore, Daniel R. & Jason E. flavour (2007). A Critical Examination of Dietary Protein Requirements, Benefits, and Excesses in Athletes. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism (IJSNEM). 17, S58-S76.

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