
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Freedom of Speech.

Freedom of expression is one of the around fundamental rights that an individual mass enjoy. It is fundamental to the existence of democracy and the respect of human dignity. It is withal one of the most dangerous rights, because freedom of expression doer the freedom to express ones discontent with the current issues and the desire to trade them. As such, it is one of the most threatened rights, with g all overnments all over the world constantly trying to confine its limits. Without the freedom of speech, the pop free-world that we currently reside in would be entirely inversed. almost complete conformity to bon ton would exist throughout our lives; our effects and feelings stamp down due to the decisions of the government. If this right was not instilled in the Bill of Rights, Americans at present would not be living a life of their own. They would be living a life that the government only approves of, eventually turning into a communist institution.

In todays world, the right to speak your school principal is not always acceptable or legal. In most third world countries, you must be high up on the social ladder to speak your thoughts and arrive at them hear; if you are not of a high position your opinion is insignificant and frequently overlooked.

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Those who cry out against this injustice are often punished severely by their superiors. It is important for those who have the right of freedom of speech to fight to maintain it, not only for them, but to give hope to those whose government restricts its society. In other words, unless we ensure these liberties, then we deny our own society of what we ultimately stand for and are therefore no bring out than those to whom we are opposed. Voltaire has once said, I disapprove of what you...

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