
Friday, April 12, 2013

Australian immigration policy and its relation to Asia

Australia is a classic country for immigration. It is an attractive country for migrants, with its friendly, multi-cultural society, intimately mild climates and a strong, vibrant economy. In the past 20 divisions Australia has experienced large-scale immigration from a untried source of countries, particularly from Asia (Castles & milling machine, 1993, pp.5). Australias permanent immigration de bespeak has two components - Migration (non-Humanitarian) for skilled and family migrants and Humanitarian, for refugees and others with humanitarian needs (DIMIA, 2004). This seek leave alone critically analyse Australian immigration polity and its social intercourse to Asia.

Before analysing Australians immigration insurance policy, it is important to define what a migration and asylum seeker is. Papastergiadis (2000, pp.54) defined migration as the process of peoples movement through bailiwick boundaries. Migration is not only an issue of Australia and Asia, but it is also a global phenomenon. In 1990, according to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) estimate, there were 80 million international migrants, including all types of migrants whether documented or not (Castles & Miller, 1993, pp.4). People migrate individually or in groups and all have an affect on the send out where they settle. They have affected the worlds regions in different ways. Castles & Miller (1993, pp.5) considered that international migration has rebuilt global societies and politics, which is part of a transnational revolution. When we prate about immigration, it cannot be ignored that asylum seekers be the extra groups of migrants. Asylum seekers are people who apply to the government of a country for recognition as a refugee(DIMIA, 2004). If they are successful, they are offered protection in that country.

The Australian government initiated an immigration policy after the end of World War II. The new policy considered that the lower population needed to be increased. The initial plan, which was 70,000 migrants per year and...

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Nice work. Very good references and looks like they took more time to do than ur essay there that long. Well, a good bilography is a sign of a good writter. All in all truly good work and it shows because of the fulency of your writting, the language you use to portray it and the length, so i say to you again, good work and a minute effort!

This is an extensive summary of the immigration situation in regards to the Australia/Asia relationship. More analysis and less description are better.

Good essay overall. Very good references, you took time to put them in and didnt employ credit for the work of others. But you could have included more information about Asians though, since thats what you said you will emphasize.

I gave you an :]

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